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What you need to know about the 4 Month Sleep Regression

Posted on November 3rd, 2023

What is the 4 month sleep regression?

Your little one can go through several sleep “regressions” as they grow. The first sleep regression happens when your baby reaches 4 months old. Sleep cycles begin to lengthen and babies becom…

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How to spot your child’s tired signs before they become overtired .

Struggling to fall sleep, not staying asleep and waking up too soon can be down to your little one being overtired before you put them down to sleep.

By being aware of your own baby’s tired cues you can avoid them becoming overtired and sleep will come more easil…

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My 5 tips to help you build a great foundation for your Newborn's sleep

Posted on May 30th, 2022

Start a Bedtime Routine

You can start a bedtime routine as early as 2 weeks but certainly, by 6 weeks it’s worth having a short and simple routine in place. The idea is to do the same steps in the same order every evening, this way your …

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Will the Clocks Going Back Affect your Baby's sleep? Ways you can help your little one with the change.

Posted on Oct 19th, 2023

So the clocks are going back by 1 hour in the UK and Ireland at 2am on Sunday 29th October 2023. Apart from knowing that Halloween is only a couple of days away, Bonfire Night a week later and Christmas is fast approaching, what does that…

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